Monday, August 5, 2013

(Not so) Magic Cake!

Well, they claimed it was magic, but it just turned into a mess. I don't know if it was because I put it in the wrong pan or if it was because I may have had a couple of beers, but it didn't work.

Brownie Mix!

As an avid baker, I often wonder why people by prepackaged mixes from the store when they can easily make them at home? So often I hear "You made that from scratch?! Like not from a box?!" As if it is so astonishing that someone can put together the ingredients on their own. But it can be done, and now you can do it too!

Sunday, August 4, 2013


"Out of necessity comes invention!" So I didn't invent tortillas or this recipe, but I only looked up how to make my own tortillas because I was out of bread, and making bread takes way too long. Then after making these I realized... Why doesn't everyone do this?!

Cheesy Popcorn!

In my last post I realized, I talked about cheesy popcorn. But this isn't your typical bright orange, powder covered cheesy popcorn!

Chili Cheese Dip!

Yum! At sleepovers, if we weren't eating cheesy popcorn or bologna sandwiches with chips smashed in the middle, we were eating this. We'd be perched on the sofa bed ready to either watch Bring It On or Scream (we had incredible taste in movies) and her mom would set down a bowl full of dip and some chips in front of us then we would go to town!

Breakfast Grilled Cheese!?

Alright people, let's just take a second to admire what a brilliant idea this is! Breakfast Grilled Cheese!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Baked Nachos!


Some night you just want a big tray of nachos for dinner!

This is recipe you can make with whatever you've got around the house, and at my house I always have tortilla chips, some sort of cheese, and salsa fixings.