Saturday, August 3, 2013

Baked Nachos!


Some night you just want a big tray of nachos for dinner!

This is recipe you can make with whatever you've got around the house, and at my house I always have tortilla chips, some sort of cheese, and salsa fixings.

But in this particular picture much more than that is smothering those chips.
I had made some queso blanco earlier that week and had an abundance of leftovers. So I figured why not make nachos?! But I decided to do more and this tray of deliciousness was born!

First things first I  laid out my chips and put a can of chicken (too lazy to actually cook some up) with taco seasoning mixed in over that. Then naturally here comes the cheese! I used my queso blanco AND a blend of shredded cheese I use for quesadillas. Then I chucked it in the oven just to get it all warm and bubbly.

After it came out of the oven, smelling oh so perfect, it still needed more. I huge pile of my homemade salsa, cilantro, green onions, finished with a dollop of Greek yogurt (instead of sour cream).

They were so good! The boyfriend and I finished them off, with no regrets!

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