Sunday, August 4, 2013

Breakfast Grilled Cheese!?

Alright people, let's just take a second to admire what a brilliant idea this is! Breakfast Grilled Cheese!
When I saw this one Pintrest, I knew I had to try it! So simple. And I had everything in my fridge! It is pretty self explanatory if you're looking at the picture: jelly and cream cheese slathered between to crispy waffles fresh from the toaster.

Well, that's not exactly how I do it. I take my two frozen waffles add the jelly and cream cheese and then fry up those babies in some butter! Just like you would for an actual grilled cheese. And let me tell you, it is heavenly. I don't usually make it for breakfast, but it is my go-to late night snack if I'm craving something sweet.

There could also be a ton of different combinations too! My boyfriend made his with blueberry waffles, and I used strawberry Eggos, with a grape jelly and cream cheese. But then I got to thinking about what else I could put in these sandwiches...

Peanut butter...
Using chocolate chip waffles!
Any fresh fruit...
Strawberry cream cheese...
What about making an egg and cheese and bacon breakfast sandwich with plain waffles?!

I am getting really excited to try these! Hope you can think up some awesome combos too!
(I don't have a picture of my sandwich because I ate it too fast. Oops.)

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