Saturday, August 3, 2013

Broccoli Quiche!


Only I could crave something as random as quiche, and then make it instead of go to Panera Bread or a local bakery to get one. It was surprisingly easy as well.

I got my base recipe from, but that was just to get the milk to egg ratio and bake temp and time. After that I took to my fridge looking for whatever sounded like it would go in a quiche. My ingredients were bacon, mozzarella, and left over broccoli from dinner the night before! And I dumped that into the bowl of milk and eggs.

The crust, however, was not the pie crust I posted about. The recipe I used was a failed off-hand recipe that was on the back of the flour. (Don't use that one!) So I made little crusts, placed them in my muffin tins and filled up the little cups with the filling.

After baking them, it was time to get them out of the muffin tin! This is why you don't use the recipe on the back of the flour. Because these little buggers don't like to come out! The crust was brutalized as I tried to get the mini quiche out intact.

But aside from the crust debacle, they were really darn good! I ate way too many of them and made more a couple days later. If I could get the crust to behave these would be great for breakfast or dinner depending on what you put in them. I just kept popping them into my mouth throughout the day though. Haha!
Get the base recipe here. But make it your own!

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