Saturday, August 3, 2013

Cheesecake in a Mug!


I'm always half excited, half suspicious of any baked good that can be cooked in a mug with a microwave.
I've tried the Cake in a Mug and it definitely needed tweaking because the cake always came out dry or dense. After a while I figured out how to make it giving it actual cake consistency and texture.
I've tried Cookie in a Mug/Bowl, that was disastrous! It was just a mess in a bowl. So I never tried again, and just make whole batches of cookies.

Now I have found Cheesecake in a Mug.

This is very misleading to begin with because the pin says "2 minutes". Sure it takes two minutes to get the ingredients together and microwave it, but then the last instruction... "Let cool for ten minutes. Then transfer to the fridge for about two hours."
What the...?!?!

Now I have my "cheesecake" in the fridge cooling down... But that's not all.
Making it was easy enough but when following the instructions and microwaving the mug a second time the first cheesecake exploded! I was wiping cheesecake off the door! So for the next mug I turned down the microwave from a high setting to a medium high setting. It didn't explode but it did make popping sounds causing the top to be a lumpy instead of smooth.

Now I wait...the taste test and pictures will be in 2 hours.


2-ish hours later...

I think I may have done something wrong... But I don't know. They didn't quite turn out right. The texture was something close to cottage cheese. Not that expected.
On the bright side I put some of my homemade black cherry pie filling on top of them. That part was good!

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