Sunday, August 4, 2013


"Out of necessity comes invention!" So I didn't invent tortillas or this recipe, but I only looked up how to make my own tortillas because I was out of bread, and making bread takes way too long. Then after making these I realized... Why doesn't everyone do this?!

Making tortillas is so easy and they are way tastier than store bought. This recipe is for flour tortillas and it's pretty basic, but I was hungry and had everything in my pantry to make these. They didn't turn out half bad either! A little misshapen because I don't have a fancy press but they served their purpose.

This recipe also yields a lot of tortillas! So make sure you put them in an air tight bag and keep them in the fridge. Since there are no preservatives they will mold very fast of you leave them out like the store bought kind. I had to learn this the hard way. But they made amazing quesadillas while they lasted!  

All-in-all, this is a simple recipe if you are in desperate need of carbs. Haha. Enjoy!

*Tip* These tortillas are better warm, heat them up on the griddle to keep that fresh taste!

This recipe is from!

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